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Photo post: Boomtown protest against Avington oil production

Jul 02, 2023

Climate campaigners staged a protest at one of the UK’s biggest music festivals, against plans to revive oil production on the estate where the event is held.

The Matterley estate, in the South Downs National Park, near Winchester, has hosted the Boomtown festival since 2011 and is also the site of the Avington oil field.

DrillOrDrop reported in July 2023 that oil extraction was to resume at Avington, operated by Star Energy (formerly IGas), after a break of five years.

Boomtown is described as one of the UK’s largest independent musical and theatrical festivals. This year’s event, centred on the Matterley Bowl, attracted around 66,000 people.

The headline act, Sister Sledge, said in a video recorded at the festival:

“there’s a climate emergency and we need to act now. Please don’t delay”.

Members of Extinction Rebellion had a stall at the festival and more than 100 people marched through the site against the oil plans. There was also a protest outside the Avington oil field.

Corin Holloway, of XR Southampton, (pictured above left) said the march had been organised with Boomtown to make sure it was done safely and did not disrupt the festival:

“We had 100-200 people marching round the festival, chanting and singing to raise awareness about oilfields. Afterwards a few of us went down to the oilfield, which is on the site of the actual festival to take photos and make some short films.”

At an earlier protest at the oil field, Mike Nell, from Extinction Rebellion Winchester, said:

“Permission for further extraction of climate-destroying oil is inexcusable. Every day we see unprecedented wildfires around the world from Greece to California, caused by human-created climate change. When will our politicians make the right decisions, perhaps not until their own houses are on fire?

“We are here to call out the oil company and landowner that want to fill their pockets from climate vandalism. We assume that Boomtown festival will wish to find a new site, given the importance they place on the festival’s green credentials, we eagerly await a statement from them.”

DrillOrDrop invited the Boomtown organisers to respond to the protest and call to find a new site. This article will be updated with any response.

Protest photos by Rod Harbinson/

Categories: Opposition, slider

Tagged as: Avington, Batterley Bowl, Boomtown, break, campaigners, climate, Corin Holloway, estate, Extinction Rebellion, extraction, festival, IGas, march, Matterley, music, oil, oil field, production, protest, revive, Rod Harbinson, South Downs National Park, stall, Star Energy, Winchester, XXR Winchester

Climate campaigners staged a protest at one of the UK’s biggest music festivals, against plans to revive oil production on the estate where the event is held.